Ensure you're fully prepared for the event with our FAQ guide

Frequently Asked Questions

What is PenteraCon?

PenteraCon is Pentera’s annual summit that unites CISOs, security executives, practitioners, and experts worldwide for a multi day event featuring hands-on workshops, roundtable discussions, keynote presentations, and an overview of Pentera's roadmap. All Pentera customers are welcome to attend.

Who is invited to PenteraCon?

PenteraCon is an exclusive event for all Pentera customers, executives and practitioners alike.

How many attendees can my organization send?

We welcome all interested parties from your team and organization.

Can you recommend accommodation options in the area?

Pentera has secured a special rate for rooms at the Intercontinental Hotel Berlin (conference venue). Please book your room here

Can you provide a letter to help convince my manager to approve my attendance?

Yes, we have prepared 2 sample letters for this purpose. You are welcome to download the one that best suits your purpose.
Letter to your manager
Letter to your CEO

What language will be used during the event?

All sessions at PenteraCon will be conducted in English. 

Will there be any networking opportunities at PenteraCon?

Yes, PenteraCon offers multiple networking opportunities including receptions, coffee breaks and dedicated networking sessions which give attendees the opportunity to connect with industry peers.

Can I earn professional development or continuing education credits at PenteraCon?

Yes, you will be able to earn (ISC)2 Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits by attending PenteraCon. CPE credits will be calculated based on session attendance. Earn up to 20 credits for attending all included sessions.
Please provide your (ISC)2 number when completing the registration form. Also, upon completion of Capture-the-Flag on the morning of May 22nd, you will earn the CPVP - Certified Pentera Validation Professional Accreditation. 


Will there be an onsite app available for the event?

Yes, there will be an app available for all attendees to download and use throughout PenteraCon. Further details will be sent to you closer to the event.

Who can I contact for more information or assistance about PenteraCon?

If you require additional information or assistance, please feel free to contact our team at: community@pentera.io
We are happy to help with any inquiries or concerns.