Test your security readiness
against Ivanti zero-days

CVE-2023-46805 and CVE-2024-21887

Pentera tests for exploitable Ivanti zero-day vulnerabilities as well as validates that your remediation steps have eliminated past exposure.

By using adversary emulation, Pentera shows you where threat actors can exploit security gaps and misconfigurations to progress an attack.

What Pentera does differently

  • Continuously test to detect critical applications like VPNs that are attractive to attackers
  • Enumerate all possible exploitable attack interfaces beyond trivial IoCs
  • Use web app fuzzing techniques to uncover the vulnerabilities in embedded applications
  • Prioritize remediation based on impact on the business
  • Leverage an ethical Ivanti Connect Secure and Ivanti Policy Secure exploitation to validate remote code execution, privilege escalation, and more

*Free assessment is subject to initial qualification by the Pentera team.

Get a complete view of potential risks from the Ivanti zero-day vulnerabilities
